The “Club” has and is doing many activities that support our community as well as the community of our fellow snowmobilers. We need more active members to help in these continued efforts. If you believe any of these missions are important, please join today and help us in our continued efforts to promote and support this great sport of Snowmobiling!
- To encourage recreational use of snowmobiling.
- To support and assist the Idaho State Snowmobile Association.
- To encourage the enactment of fair state, federal, and private land use laws and regulations concerning ownership and use of snowmobiles.
- To cooperate with public land use regulatory agencies, but always reserving the right to oppose regulations the snowmobile club considers unfair an/or not serving the best interest of the members.
- To encourage and promote sportsmanship and the safe and responsible use of snowmobiles.
- To keep the membership informed of proposes laws and contact legislators and the Idaho State Snowmobile
- Association, Inc. to inform them of our views.
- Encourage members to be active in ISSA and other political action organizations
- Received a Grant from 4 sources to purchase a new loader to clear snow from parking lots, load equipment and do excavation where needed
- Provided maintenance services for all groomers and volunteers devoted over 2000 hours in 2010
- 2010 Leased, Cleared and Opened a new Parking Lot on Warren Wagon Road. Named Brush Creek Lot
- Purchases the challenger Tractor from the County to be used as a backup groomer and rescue vehicle
- Bolstered the Adopt-A-Trail program with personal visits to local businesses.
- Constructed new bill boards for these businesses to help with their promotion
- 2008, built and placed a sign board at F W parking lotto display maps and helpful information.
- 2006 hosted the ISSA State Convention.
- 2007 constructed a new groomer shed for the State of Idaho at the Francis Wallace parking lot.
- Raised enough money from our annual Fun Run to provide three, $500 scholarships to McCall High School seniors, and $500 to the M/D High School Booster Club.
- Provided manpower for plowing Green Gate, Brush Creek and Francis Wallace Parking lots.
- Provided manpower for winter trail clearing, brush cutting, and diamond marking
- Monthly membership meetings featuring guest speakers on various educational topics.
- Provide annual sale and buying opportunities for members and non-members by holding a swap meet in the fall.
- Aided in the purchase of an emergency aid sled for the McCall EMS.
- Monthly dinner meetings providing opportunities to meet other members in a fun and social atmosphere.
- Requested from the City of McCall money for grooming trails and received a $25K grant.
- New Projects: Club Web-Site and Club Logo Apparel
- Promoted advertising opportunities for local merchants with the Adopt-A-Trail campaign.