For avalanche information:

The snowmobile grooming reports for the McCall and Donnelly areas of North Valley County of Idaho are shown below. The grooming is done at night so the report is for where they went last night for today’s date. Designate 43A for your sticker area, please.

The notes of the intersections refer to the maps. (X,C,W FOR EXAMPLE)






Wallace lot to Secesh Summit 3-7-15
Secesh Summit to Burgdorf 3-3-15
Burgdorf to Secesh Meadows 2-24-15
Secesh Meadows to Warren 1-15-15
Wallace lot to Brush Cr. loop Washed Out
Pearl Creek 2-28-15
Wallace lot to Copet Cr. Summit      U, T  3-7-15
Copet Cr. summit to Brundage Res. to Goose LK.  T, V, X  Y  2-27-15
Titus lot to Sater Meadows X, V, W  3-4-15
Sater Meadows to Fisher Cr Saddle  W, 3-4-15
Sater Meadows to Granite Lake  W,  3-7-15
Titus lot to Brundage reservoir X  3-5-15 FINAL RUN
Titus Lot to Copet Cr. summit    X, V, T  3-5-15
Titus lot to Assocation Cabin   Y,  3-3-15
Association Cabin to Hazards Lakes to Clayborn trail head  3-3-15
Goose Lake to Wallace Lane lot in Adams County  Y, Z  2-22-15
Copet Summit to Brundage Mtn Lookout     S, R, 2-13-15
Copet Summit to Green Gate parking lot    T, S 2-27-15
Copet Summit to West Face lot (HWY 55)   S, R, Q, P 2-13-15
West Face lot to Titus lot P, Q, 2-13-15
West Face lot to Red Ridge P, N,  1-31-15
West Face to Fish Lake to Blue Bunch N, M, J, E,
Donnelly lot to No Business Saddle H. G  2-22-15
No Business Saddle to White Lick, H, G, F.  1-24-15
Road 218 to Weiser River back to White Lick to No Business Saddle or the Little Creek Loop.  1-4-15
No Business Saddle to Little 4 Corners, G, F, E,  2-22-15
No Business Lookout  12-20-14
Little 4 corners along Red Ridge to N, E, D, C, O, N,  1-31-15
Red Ridge to Fish Lake by pass, D, M, N,  1-31-15
Sun flower flats O, B, A, C  1-31-15
Tamarack Falls to Little 4 Corners to Pine Ridge
Little 4 Corners (E) to Blue Bunch J,
Little 4 Corners (E) to Dry Beaver Gulch (to Pine Ridge Cafe)
Little 4 Corners to Mill Cr. (L)
Little 4 Corners to Deseret Cabin turnoff (Council Mtn Bowls)
The Titus (Upper Elevation) lot is just below Brundage Mtn Ski area
The Wallace lot is 9 miles out Warren Wagon Rd. north of McCall.
Donnelly lot is toward Tamarack ski hill over the
bridge and then right to the end of the
plowed road.


Valley County Grooming Report – Area 43

The groomer operators report to the Sheriff’s office dispatcher their locations on about 2 hr. intervals. From this report, emailed to us each morning, we deduce which areas were groomed each night and log it here.  For avalanche information,  you can get a current report from the Avalanche Center at 208-634-0409 or

The normal grooming schedule for the north end of Valley County will be as follows:

  • MONDAY:  Francie Wallace to Copet Cr. (U) to (T), (S), Green Gate, (S), (R), Brundage Look Out, (Q), (P), to Titus Lot, (X), (V), (T), (U), and back to Wallace, tilling.  Called “going around the mountain”.
  • TUESDAY: Francie Wallace to Brush Cr. to Pearl Cr. to Copet Cr. (U), (T), (V), (X), to Titus lot.  Tilled
  • TUESDAY (alternate): Francie Wallace to Copet Cr. (U) (T), (V), (X), (Y), Goose Lake, Assoc. Cabin to Duck Lake Cutoff over to (W), (V), (X), to Titus lot. Tilled
  • WEDNESDAY: Titus lot to (X), (Y) Goose Lake, Hazard Lake, to Clayborn Trailhead, with drags behind the groomer
  • THURSDAY: Titus lot to Fisher Cr. Saddle, to Granite Lake back to Titus lot, with drags.
  • FRIDAY: going around the mountain, from Titus lot to Brundage Reservoir, over the top to (T), (S), Green Gate, (S), (R), Brundage Lookout, (Q), (P), West Face lot, and back up to Titus lot.  With drags.
  • SATURDAY: Titus lot to (X), (Y), to Wallace Ranch, back to Brundage Reservoir, over the top to Copet Cr. and Francie Wallace lot.
  • Runs to Secesh Summit and to Burgdorf or Warren will be done on a as need basis to keep the trail in good shape.